5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies
Otavio Jose Dezem Bertozzi Junior had an honor to attend the 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST Conference 2022), held on 5-7 of September in Eindhoven.
Otavio presented his very first first-author paper entitled “Optimal Gain-scheduled POD for Power Systems with Hybrid HVDC Links”, co-authored with Harold Chamorro, Omar Kotb, Eduardo Prieto Araujo, and his PhD advisor Shehab Ahmed. With a great technical program and top-notch keynote speakers, this was a fantastic opportunity for Otavio to expand his network and get to know researchers and their awesome work.
The evolving High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology integrated into modern power grids can help improve operation stability and damp undesired low-frequency oscillations in the system. This paper presents a Power Oscillation Damping (POD) strategy for power systems with a hybrid (LCC-VSC) HVDC link. The work consists of a centralized supervision algorithm that monitors the dynamics of several system variables and sets the appropriate gains to the POD controller from a lookup table generated offline via simulation-based Particle Swarm Optimization analysis. The mathematical modeling for the test system with an embedded HVDC link is presented, and the optimal tuning problem is defined using performance-oriented objective functions. Details for the detection and scheduling algorithm, lookup table construction, and controller structure are provided. The nonlinear simulation model is implemented in MATLAB, and the results support the effectiveness of the proposed approach.